Sailing / Yacht Club
TYCA is an association of sailing clubs around the Tay estuary and drainage basin, and the surrounding coast. It includes clubs whose main interest is cruising as well as those with more competitive ideals, clubs which sail dinghies, keelboats, sailboards and catamarans. The purpose of TYCA is to improve communication and co-operation between member clubs, to publicise each others events and try to prevent major conflicts in the dates of club events. TYCA also arranges for Tay Week to be held annually at one of the member clubs. We also have a voice on the council of RYA Scotland, where we can put forward member's views and report back to them on matters discussed. Currently comprising a dozen clubs in Perthshire, Angus and North Fife, membership of TYCA is open to any Sailing Club or other interested body, and currently costs £12 per annum.
21 Woodlands Park
Post Code
PH10 6UW
Perth and Kinross
United Kingdom