Sailing / Yacht Club
Founded Year
The Orcas Island Yacht Club was founded in 1956 to further the boating and social interests of boaters interested in sail and power cruising as well as yacht racing. The club's facilities include a 290 foot dock and 1500 square-foot picnic shelter located on its waterfront property in West Sound. In addition, the club leases an adjacent clubhouse to use for some of its functions. The Club's boating season begins in March and runs through December, while the social season runs year round. Yachting events include summer Friday night Races and the Round the County Race in November. The Club sponsors cruises from March through December. This full calendar offers a variety of activities and camaraderie for all. Of particular interest to cruisers, the Club maintains reciprocal moorage agreements with approximately 100 yacht clubs in the area. The Club's success is owed to it's members who willingly take active role in putting on Club functions and maintain its facilities. This and a policy of minimal capital expenditures allow OIYC to maintain very low dues to enhance the attractiveness of the Club to the boating community. We welcome new members who enjoy what we do and who wish to participate actively in the club. We expect all members to take some part in the work of the Club, doing whatever the member's talents and interests dictate. We emphasize this aspect because those who enter into the work of the Club seem to be those who get the most pleasure from their membership.
876 Deer Harbor Rd
Post Code
WA 98245
United States