Sailing / Yacht Club
Contact Person
Mark Rupprecht
Founded Year
The Onondaga Yacht Club was founded in 1883 and chartered February 3, 1886, making it one of the oldest boating organizations in New York State. After many years of activity, the Club fell dormant for a period of time. In 1934 a group of people interested in promoting boating activities on the lake organized, in Liverpool, New York, the Onondaga Lake Yacht Club. The first election of Officers and the Board of Trustees was held on April 17, 1934. The last several years have seen significant refurbishment activities, including a kitchen ceiling with new lighting, replacement of the roadside porch roof and ornamentation, painting of the locker room and installation of storage racks for sailboat masts, trophy cases and general painting. In 2002 a new commercial stove with hood and fire suppression system was installed. OYC is a friendly community of boaters with a wide variety of activities for its members.
101 Sycamore St
Post Code
NY 13088
New York
United States