Sailing / Yacht Club
Contact Person
Charlie Truslow
Founded Year
The Sakonnet Yacht Club (Operating Club) was formed as a Rhode Island non-business corporation on June 8, 1939. The Operating Club, which does not issue stock, leases the land, docks and other real property from the Holding Company. Its legal existence continues today under Title 7, Chapter 6, Rhode Island Nonprofit Corporation Act of the General Laws of Rhode Island. To foster good feeling among members, promote interest and participation in yachting, in yacht racing, in dinghy racing, in boat racing, regattas and cruising, in the design, construction and racing of model yachts, in boat building, in the science of naval architecture, in navigation, piloting, and seamanship, in lending assistance to the governments of the United States and Rhode Island in times of emergency and to provide facilities for the aforesaid purposes including facilities for the hauling and storage of boats and yachts.
163 Sakonnet Point Rd
Post Code
RI 02837
Little Compton
Rhode Island
United States