Sailing / Yacht Club
Contact Person
Brett Oemichen
Founded Year
The Port Ludlow Yacht Club (PLYC) has an active roster of some 150 members who participate in dozens of cruise, race, and social functions each year. We enjoy reciprocal privileges with over 100 yacht clubs, and more than 200 boats use our reciprocal docks each year. Many club members are Ham radio operators, participating in the Ham Radio Net every morning for fun and to help boaters on local waters. The vast majority of our members attend the regular schedule of activities. The cruising and racing schedules have increased substantially in recent years, with special and joint events for sail, kayak, and powerboats. Several members have taken extensive cruises to Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, South America, the Pacific Rim and beyond. The Board of Trustees meet on the first Wednesday of each month except August. The many social events are hosted at the club's Wreck Room, or the Port Ludlow Beach Club or Bay Club. There are two all member business meetings each year. There are also special events such as Opening Day, and the Holiday Lighted Boat Party, as well as sail races and cruises. PLYC also holds a Training Day once a year, which is open to other yacht clubs, and conducts other training activities on club cruises and for women boaters.
PO Box 65338
Post Code
WA 98365
Port Ludlow
United States